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Online Youth Mental Health First Aid Refresher

Date: September 9

Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Cost: $203.50

Training category: Mental Health

Youth Mental Health First Aid Refresher

Course content

This course which allows participants who have previously completed the Youth Mental Health First Aid course to refresh their knowledge and skills, providing an opportunity to extend their accreditation for a further of 3 years.

Please note: to be eligible for this course you MUST have completed an accredited Youth Mental Health First Aid course within the previous 3 years, and will be required to provide evidence of completion.

Course participants learn about the latest research in the mental health field, work through complex mental health first aid interactions, and practice their mental health first aid skills across a range of mental health problems and mental health crisis situations.

Youth Mental Health First Aid Refresher

Before you register, please view our 'Terms and Conditions' to carefully review our refund and cancellation policy.

Meet Your Educator

210001 051 Colour


Hayley has a Nursing and Education background with over 21 years’ experience in various acute and community settings, and is passionate about health and wellness. She is a mum, and lives an active lifestyle by the beach.

Hayley loves empowering others with skills and knowledge, which help save lives and make a difference. Hayley’s professionalism and dedication to quality training ensures you leave feeling confident to apply your new skills.

Hayley is passionate about mental health awareness and advocates for a world where everyone receives the support they need. Hayley is recognised as a Master Instructor in Mental Health First Aid.

Training venue


