HeartSine Samaritan PAD 500P Defibrillator


Your best fighting chance

The HeartSine 500P is a sophisticated semi-automatic defibrillator for adult or paediatric use, inside a lightweight and easy-to-operate system. The SAM 500P is a defibrillator designed to analyse heart rhythm and automatically deliver an electrical shock (if needed). Its advanced technology is balanced against the demands of effective CPR in real-world use.

  • 8-year warranty
  • World Leading CPR Advisor
  • Semi-Automatic Shock Delivery
  • Easy to Follow Visual and Verbal Guides
  • Durable
  • Advanced Technology
  • Single Battery/Electrode
  • CPR advisor for real time feedback on the effectiveness of your compressions

Training Included

Free instructional training included with each defibrillator.